NewsJuly 9, 2019

Italian midfielder Francesco Ardizzone and Italian defender Francesco Cosenza vacation in Maldives

Italian midfielder Francesco Ardizzone and Italian defender Francesco Cosenza visited Maldives to enjoy their summer vacation at Alimatha’ Maldive.

Both Football players arrived to Maldives with a group of family and friends on June 19th and departed to Italy on July 2nd.


They have shared a series of pictures on their Instagram profiles @francescoardizzone_92 and @cicciocosenza13, including the diving trip to the Halaveli Wreck.

Italian defender Francesco Cosenza (@cicciocosenza13)

The Halaveli wreck, originally the “Highly 18”, is a cargo vessel sunk by the Halaveli Diving Center in 1991.  It sits upright with the bow facing northwest, 20 meters from the reef.

Located in Vaavu Atoll, with over 96 bungalows, 34 over water rooms and 26 garden rooms with a private garden, Alimathà is the perfect mix between relaxing on a white sand beach and enjoying several activities, from scuba diving to dozens of sports which can be played on the island. The word Alimathà originally meant “the face of a woman”.