In anticipation of Earth Hour, Milaidhoo, nestled in the heart of the Maldives’ renowned Baa Atoll, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, gears up for a memorable evening dedicated to reflection, relaxation, and reconnection with the environment. On March 23, from 20:30 to 21:30, both guests and the Milaidhoo family will participate in a meaningful act of unity for the planet.
Highlighting the importance of mindfulness and sustainable living, Milaidhoo is hosting a unique session at the Serenity Spa. This session will be led by the resident expert yogi, Bharat Patra. From 20:30, guests will embark on a journey of self-awareness and tranquillity under the guidance of Bharat, whose expertise in yoga and meditation promises to enrich the mind, body, and soul. The session will focus on the harmony between physical movement and breathing, inviting guests to immerse themselves in the calming flow of nature’s rhythms. After this insightful session on breathing awareness, guests will enjoy a music therapy session designed to nurture the soul, featuring the therapeutic sounds of raga music. Known for its melodic intricacies and soothing rhythms, raga music is an ideal medium for achieving deep relaxation and mindfulness. Infused with the sounds of the ocean, this unique musical experience will create an atmosphere of serenity and peace, fostering a profound bond with oneself and the surrounding world.
For the Milaidhoo family, Earth Hour represents more than just a ceremonial event. As the island dims its lights at 20:30, it will highlight the critical issue of energy conservation. This act is part of Milaidhoo’s ongoing commitment to environmental protection, demonstrating how even the smallest actions can lead to significant, sustainable impacts.
“Earth Hour is not just about switching off lights; it’s an opportunity to initiate dialogue, practice mindfulness, and stimulate actionable change,” says David Castaño, General Manager of Milaidhoo Maldives. “Through our holistic wellbeing offering at Serenity Spa and our collective conservation efforts, we hope to inspire guests and the Milaidhoo family to form a closer bond with nature and adopt sustainable practices.”
As the global community comes together to observe Earth Hour, Milaidhoo extends an invitation to all to partake in this significant event.
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